At C.O.R.E and our family, we love to showcase unique and motivating success stories of our past and present patient population. After being treated at our facility, you will also be a part of our extended family. Take a look at some of our success and unique stories of our patients.

Calvin, ACL reconstruction at CORE Physical Therapy
Injury:ACL tear, Bone tunneling surgery
Services Utilized:Proprioception, visual feedback training, strength training, balance and sports training, range of motion, Modalities, post op guidelines.
Calvin is a 20 year old male Crossfit athlete and came to us with a torn ACL many months ago. His former ACL reconstruction failed due the fact his femoral condyle tunnels were just too narrow to hold the graft. He elected to have a surgery to correct this deficiency prior to receiving a new ACL. After 16 weeks, he is ready for a new ACL and complete recovery from his previous limitations.
Here is the a 3 min synopsis of his recovery.
Madalyn, Omaha Physical Therapy CORE.
Injury:Post op ACL reconstruction
Services Utilized:Physical therapy, Sports performance, Dry needling, Modalities, Manual therapy, Performance Programming

Madalyn is an athlete with a hx of multiple knee surgeries. She worked with Dr. Claire in the past, but was looking to continue her athletic career to a higher level. Madalyn was introduced to the sport of Rowing, which she took to like a fish into water. After 3 months of training, she was able to best ALL of the men and women in her age group at the Creighton Women’s Rowing Challenge 2016. Within a month, she was signing a Div. 1 scholarship to Row with Creighton. He hard work, determination, and dedication proved she would be a success in any sport she set her mind to. He story is long, but ever inspirational.
Dawn, CORE Physical Therapy Omaha
Injury:Low back pain, SI pain, Sciatica
Services Utilized:Graston, Muscle Energy and mobilizations, Modalities, Corrective exercises. Sports Performance and Instruction/Coaching
Dawn Found CORE after dealing with Chronic lumbar and hip pain for the last 6 years. She was trying to get back to exercising and weightlifting after many years, but found it very difficult as the pain continued to slow her progress. At one point she thought she would just have to live with it or have surgery. That is, However, until she found CORE. after 5 visits, she was back to the gym without any pain, and was going back to lifting weights, squats and deadlifting in a proper fashion. A few more weekly sessions later, she enjoyed pain free progression back to the gym to realize her fitness goals. She is a wonderful patient of ours, and a true success.
For More information, Click COREOMAHA
Rachel, Omaha Physical Therapy, CORE
Injury:ACL Reconstruction.
Services Utilized:Physical therapy, Proprioceptive training, Sports Performance, Modalities. ACL prevention program.

Rachel has a very unique story.
After Many years of playing college basketball, the sport took a toll on her knees. After many surgeries, she is now back to lifting weights, playing sports and living a very active lifestyle for a young adult. She is extremely hard working, and tenacious at her pursuit of a full return to playing sports now that her college years are past.
She Continues to work diligently to this day, to build hip and Knee strength, and balance. This ACL prevention protocol we have Developed at CORE will aid in decreasing her risk of further injury during her very active lifestyle playing sports.
About 6 months into her rehab, Rachel had a chance to spend 3 months traveling Europe. She had to put her rehab on hold during that time. Upon return to Nebraska, she has return to her rehab protocol, and is now returning to moderate level lifting, strengthening and plyometric activities. She approaches her final discharge from PT in the coming months, after a long year of recovery.
Rachel’s Story makes us Proud to work with her. She is now part of CORE’s family.
For more information Click CORE Omaha
Zach, C.O.R.E. Physical Therapy, Omaha
Injury:Meniscus, low back pain
Services Utilized:Sports Performance, Dynamic stretching, Manual Therapy, Agility and jump training. Power production training.
Zach has been training with CORE for more than 6 weeks. He is a Defensive Lineman at Millard West. In that time, he has gained 10lbs, increased his pro agility time by 10%, increased broad jump by 15% and increased power production testing 10-12%. CORE has worked closely with Zach to increase his balance, flexibility and overall athletic ability, while working around old back and knee injuries. His Performance has been very closely monitored By Dr. Mark Rathjen, Physical Therapist/Strength Coach
At CORE we have a proprietary mix of dynamic stretching , and Power production exercises for sports performance that maximize speed, power and athletic ability. All while minimizing injury risks. This unique blend of working with Doctors of Physical therapy, and strength coaches has led to his success on and off the field. We Commend Zach for his hard work. For more Information click here
To see his Training Montage Click CORE Physical Therapy

Jake, Physical therapy Sports Performance.
Injury:Lower back pain, Elbow pain, ankle pain
Services Utilized:Sports Performance, CORE dynamic series Stretching DSS1 DSS2 DSS3, Balance and proprioceptive Training.
Jake is a high school athlete, Multi sport. He wanted to get faster, more powerful and better with his agility. At C.O.R.E. we designed and implemented a specialized 3x week program for him to see him for his specific goals for his specific sports of football and baseball. Taking that into considerations, as well as other weakness and strengths, we devised a program for him that has led him to astound results.
Jake has a history of a few injuries that we are able to work around with ease. As Physical therapists, Dr Mark and Dr. Claire are always looking at safety, mechanics, and injury prevention first, performance comes second.
He has gained strength, power production, and agility for his sports respectively, If you would like to read more details about his success story, Click here