At C.O.R.E and our family, we love to showcase unique and motivating success stories of our past and present patient population. After being treated at our facility, you will also be a part of our extended family. Take a look at some of our success and unique stories of our patients.
Madalyn, Omaha Physical Therapy CORE.
Injury:Post op ACL reconstruction
Services Utilized:Physical therapy, Sports performance, Dry needling, Modalities, Manual therapy, Performance Programming

Madalyn is an athlete with a hx of multiple knee surgeries. She worked with Dr. Claire in the past, but was looking to continue her athletic career to a higher level. Madalyn was introduced to the sport of Rowing, which she took to like a fish into water. After 3 months of training, she was able to best ALL of the men and women in her age group at the Creighton Women’s Rowing Challenge 2016. Within a month, she was signing a Div. 1 scholarship to Row with Creighton. He hard work, determination, and dedication proved she would be a success in any sport she set her mind to. He story is long, but ever inspirational.

Calvin, ACL reconstruction at CORE Physical Therapy
Injury:ACL tear, Bone tunneling surgery
Services Utilized:Proprioception, visual feedback training, strength training, balance and sports training, range of motion, Modalities, post op guidelines.
Calvin is a 20 year old male Crossfit athlete and came to us with a torn ACL many months ago. His former ACL reconstruction failed due the fact his femoral condyle tunnels were just too narrow to hold the graft. He elected to have a surgery to correct this deficiency prior to receiving a new ACL. After 16 weeks, he is ready for a new ACL and complete recovery from his previous limitations.
Here is the a 3 min synopsis of his recovery.
Ben, Omaha area running, physical therapy
Injury:Back and hip pain
Services Utilized:Manual Therapy, Muscle energy, Graston, Dry Needling, Gait analysis, Sports performance, Bio feedback, and proprioceptive training.
Ben is a high level runner who due to back pain, had not been able to run for over 2 years. Through a personal referral, he found CORE. Three months later his back pain had ceased, and he ran the first half marathon in 2 years in a blistering 124.57, only 5 min off his PR. Ben had a multiple level compensation back pain and rotation of the hip, also exacerbated by a weakness in that hip, with internal rotation on the R side. With progressing CORE and Lower body strengthening, he was able to correct the gait abnormality with slow motions analysis, and get a symmetrical running cadence with perfect knee and hip control. His full return to running is pain free, and he is now one of our good friends.
Marissa, Physical Therapy in Omaha, the best…
Injury:Distal fibula fracture
Services Utilized:Strengthening, range and manual retraining, sports performance, modalities for muscle re education.
Marissa fractured he ankle while playing roller derby last fall, at that time she felt she would never skate again. She looked frantically to find the best physical therapy clinic in Omaha to rehab, and she found CORE Physical Therapy. Over the months we transitioned from a cast/boot, to crutches, to walking normal. As she regained balance and proprioception, we continues to strengthen both sides of her body. The rehab continued progression into sports specific rehab, skating, lateral cutting and drills for power and explosion. We worked lateral and tradition squats, deadlifting, balance drills with offsets. We worked very hard until she was ready.
She has now fully returned to skating and roller derby. She makes us proud every day here at CORE, where she is not just a patient, she became our friend.
Hayden, full recovery from car accident, here in Omaha CORE
Injury:Multiple fracture lumbar and thoracic spine, MVA
Services Utilized:Strengthening, balance, sports performance, manual therapy, dry needling, and performance training.
Hayden was a young man who was involved in an MVA, resulting in severe fractures of his lumbar and thoracic spine. In the beginning of his rehabilitation, he was very limited in motion and strength, we work diligently to restore as much motion as possible while he still had internal fixation on his spine. After 3 months, the hardware was removed, and we were able to resume full gradual return to sports progression, back to high level hockey. Months later, he was able to have a full return to high level hockey play at near full strength. Hayden’s story should inspire everyone who has ever been injured in a traumatic situation.

Jason, Quadriceps Rupture Rehab at CORE Physical Therapy
Injury:Patellar tendon Rupture,
Services Utilized:Post op care, recovery, strengthening, manual therapy, proprioceptive training, biomechanics analysis training,

Jason tore his patellar tendon clean off of his knee cap during a powerlifting competition squatting nearly 600#. (CORE was covering the meet, and got in him to surgery within 2 days). We have worked diligently over the months to add range, strength, balance, integration of weight lifting and his true passion, 2020 olympic discus throwing. 2016 Olympic trials were missed by 12 inches, we hope to continue his rehab, to sports performance, and power training, to increase his throwing 20% or more. Jason is now back to heavy deadlifting at 700+lbs, and Benching pressing 400+lbs, and squatting nearly 400 again, all without pain. Gradually we will continue to build until he is better than before. THIS is where CORE is different, you will not find a more thorough rehabilitation for high levels athletes, anywhere!
Jason was also a part of a new story for KETV on tendon rupture, as DR. Claire was giving her medical opinion on rehab and tear rates with a particular medication class.
Here is his story.
This is WHO we are, This is what we do!