The glutei play a huge role in the stability of the hip and back musculature as well, and provide much stability for trunk and torso. They also control the knee and the forces that are being displaced by the knee. The saying “the glutei control most of the body from top to bottom” is a mostly true statement. They should be the mainstay of any large scale strengthening routine for any athlete or individual looking to get faster.
Top exercises for Glutes:
1. Barbell Glutei Bridges – Heavy weight, 3×10 reps
2. High step ups, cross over step ups – Heavy weight, but controlled 3×10
3. Reverse Hyperextensions (requires specialized machine) – Medium weight, 3×15
4. Lunge jumps – 3 sets of 10 jumps per side
5. Lateral T-band work, side abduction walks –  60″x2 keeping feet parallel and with band around toes
6. Side Planks Dynamic – 3 sets of 15 reps.