CORE Omaha dry needling

At CORE we specialize in functional dry needling and trigger point releases. This tool helps us to get the body back to a baseline status so that we can find the root of your issue. By doing so, we can not just keep treating your symptoms, we can actually fix your foundational issue.

Dr Claire and Dr Mark Rathjen are a local husband and wife duo that works tirelessly in the Omaha metro area. They strive to keep our athletes healthy and get back them to what they love.

Here in the video, we see a peroneal release on the lateral edge of the tibia due to excessive pronation during the running gait cycle. Once fixed, we can solve the real issue as a compensation of weakness in the contralateral hip.

Dr. Claire Dry needling the Lumbar Paraspinals.

This is who we are, this is what we do.

CORE Physical Therapy and Sports Performance.

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