CORE Physical therapy specializes in the treatment of athletes by athletes. Our Doctors of Physical Therapy have competed in athletics in multiple venues at various stages of life. We understand the mind of an athlete. CORE understands what it takes to achieve recovery and results.
First we start with an evaluation of the body, how it moves, how strong/balanced it is, and asymmetries that are involved. Then we test functional testing with gait analysis and single leg hip and knee control. Slow motion video analysis with all 4 angles at various speeds and fatigue levels will show us where a breakdown in mechanics is happening, and what we can do to correct it. Next, we develop a program and plan of attack to 1-2 variable at a time. Then we build a foundation of technique from the ground up. Our experience tells us that correcting too many variables at once will decrease outcomes over the long haul.
Once we have the variables to work on, the patient will return for more analysis. Then more corrections and more variables are added to increase the mechanical efficiency. Multiple strategies can be used to ensure full compliance and change to the neuromuscular timing patterns for the body to become more efficient. Long term changes and injury prevention are the key to long term success.
Please feel free to follow us at https://www.facebook.com/COREomaha/ for more information and updates.