TEAM CORE works hard with all athletes of all shaped and sizes. We realize that not everyones body mechanics, deficiencies, and goals are the same. We also realize that our athletes and patients need individualized one on one care to an efficient return to sports and recreational activities.

CORE utilizes the latest in sports research and sports performance training for our patients and their individual needs. By doing this, we use the latest bar feedback applications, laser leveling techniques and visual feedback. This combined with full slow-motion video analysis allows us to perform the most efficient mechanical changes that are deemed necessary. Overall, this makes our approach is very unique in this demographic in the Omaha metro area.

Our Doctors of physical therapy are sports performance trained and add to an already exceptional sports performance experience. Whether you are looking to improve your form, or battling back from an injury, we understand the mind and body of an athletes better than anyone. We have lived that life ourselves and our business is our passion, let us show you the CORE difference.

CORE Physical Therapy and Sports Performance PC,

This is who we are, this is what we do

Full return to squatting after knee injury,
Form correction in squatting after lumbar and knee pain with squatting
Working on CORE stability and depth while maintaining bar mechanics.