The story of Brandon Jacob and his recovery.

In October of 2018, Brandon Jacob was warming up squatting in preparation for the 2018 Show of strength at, in Omaha Nebraska. During the warm up 2 weeks before the competition he tore is patellar tendon on the L knee, as he came out of a full squat position.

Brandon was a seasoned lifter here in Omaha, and had no previous knee or hip injuries in his past. His training was on track and progressing very well during the 2018 lifting season at Omaha Barbell.

As a previous patient for an unrelated injury years before, he gave us a call that evening, and we were able to set him up with a sports ortho consult 2 days later with one of the best orthopedic surgeons in town. Based on the exam, and the history of symptoms after the incident, we were confident of the complete tear of the patellar tendon off of the front of the knee.

An MRI and surgery followed in Confirmation with our diagnosis here at CORE Physical Therapy. 1 week after surgery he was to begin his year long rehabilitation, with Dr. Mark Rathjen PT DPT, CSCS. Dr Rathjen has treated many patellar tendon repairs over the years and is well versed in returning powerlifters to full capacity during recovery.

After a period of gradual increased weight bearing over the first 6 weeks, gait training and heavier ranged training began. Light single and double leg strengthening for the quad, hip, hams and CORE followed in a progressive manner for the next 2 months.

At CORE, we progressed to squatting to a 20 inch box, and started adding weight, this brought is motion to 85 degrees of knee bending during the squat for his height. Subsequently after 2 months and 300# of loading we started the weight progression over, and took away the box to a 16 inch box, to a 90 deg knee bend. 1 month after that, we took the box away and continued the progression of loading, at month 9, squatting full over 500# was the result.

Before full symmetrical squatting could begin, we had to increase the balance and strength in the L leg after the surgery. We needed symmetry of strength at least 85% or more to begin heavy full range loading. Heavy hip exercises, squat mechanics analysis, a full progressive CORE pre and heavy plyometric program continued the progression here at CORE Physical therapy.

Laser level feedback, slow motion video, single leg proprioceptive work continued with and without visual systems so that he would learn how to “feel” where the weight was distributed. With permission of head therapist Dr. Mark Rathjen, he progressed and competed with a near 600# sumo deadlift at month 8. The sumo deadlift is much more quad dominant version of a traditional deadlift that was a key into integration of full powerlifter squat symmetry by month 11.

At Month 12 final testing began, and hips, quads, hamstring and balance were formally tested with establish protocols and dynamometers for symmetry, mechanics of jumping, power production, and proprioception. He passed with flying colors and was able to full discharge from CORE Physical Therapy and Sports Performance without restrictions.

CORE Physical Therapy and Sports Performance is very proud of his accomplishments and his incredible story, that 10 years ago would have ended an athletic career. With superior surgical techniques and rehab protocols establish by expert clinicians, CORE was able to get him back to full and better than before status without pain, range, strength, or fear avoidance deficits.

CORE Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, This is who we are, and this is what we do!