CORE physical therapy in Omaha specializes in the treatment of athletes and athletic injuries. We have the very best in visual analysis tools and applications, specialty bars and decades of personal and professional experience with treating this population.

Careful attention is given to our athletes during rehabilitation to leave them in a much better position and mechanical advantage than their respective pre injury condition. Its the ultimate goal with prevention of injury and preservation of proper programming.

Dr. Mark Rathjen PT, DPT CSCS, and Dr. Claire Rathjen PT DPT CSCS SCS have been working for nearly 30 years in the realm of physical therapy for athletes. With their expertise and experience they can make you stronger, more stable, and more powerful with utilizing proper and efficient mechanical movement patterns.

This is who we are, this is what we do.

Low bar squat, loading at mid foot. (good)
High Bar Squat loading over the toes, (bad)
CORE Physical Therapy Squat Mechanics