6 Ways C.O.R.E. is different than Chain Clinics.


Dr. Mark Rathjen DPT, PT, CSCS

Dr. Claire Rathjen DPT, PT SCS, CSCS

Dr. Mark and Claire, Breaking the Chain

Dr. Mark and Claire, Breaking the Chain

1 .C.O.R.E . is run/operated by the owners.

We started our own practice to get away from the patient FACTORY model other clinics love to employ. We started CORE to be different, because we are different.

2.  We build quality relationships that last for years.

We attend your races, your games, your  graduations etc. We do this because we form a bond with our patients, since WE are the ones that spend

every session, every day, every workout with them.

3. We provide the highest quality of therapy, customer service and flexibility. 

We do this because we LOVE what we do. We have to be BETTER than larger organizations, as we don’t market with the huge budgets they have. We market quality.

4. We want you to get better, FASTER.

 Our philosophy has always been to take care of our patients in the most effective and efficient manor. Instead of drawing out rehab protocols for months on end, we want you to get better as quickly as we can to make that happen! If we take the best care of our patients in every way, they will take care of us. It builds loyalty.

5. We don’t employ assistants or tech positions.

We treat OUR patients, solely. No support staff, no ancillary employees, more one on one time.  This is the MOST efficient way to treat, for the best results, in the shortest time frame.

We are NOT a patient factory!

6. We treat patients as individuals with unique rehabilitation plans.

 We do NOT use the ONE size fits all cookie cutter protocols. Our treatment plans are based solely on your goals, levels and any impairments we find during the examination process. We fine tune and re-adjust along the way to accommodate any changes to your status.

This is WHO we are , this is WHAT we do.

For more info https://www.facebook.com/COREomaha/