sports physical therapy

 1. Gastroc/Soleus- Dynamic  

Make sure to keep the back heel down   Keep the feet flat

Drive the knee forward

omaha physical therapy

2. Side lunge-Dynamic  

  Keep the bent knee tracking over Foot

Vary the angle of knee drive   Keep the straight leg, straight.

physical therapy omaha

3. Hip Flexors, Dynamic     

Keep a Post pelvis, Flat back

  Top leg should be parallel to the floor

Lean in and out, keep glute flexed

sports physical therapy

4. Standing Piriformis Stretch- Dynamic  

        Keep the back flat, no rounding

Vary the angle.

Make sure to sit back, and not forward

physical therapy running

5. Hamstrings- Dynamic   

Keep the back flat,

Stretch leg should be straight

Lean forward slowly.


-Perform all stretching in a slow rhythm

    -All stretching should be dynamic

      -Breath during the stretch,    

-Perform 10 reps per leg 2-3x per week


