Monthly Archives: August 2023

Is Yoga good for Back Pain? CORE Omaha Explains…

       CORE Physical Therapy In Omaha Explains… By Dr. Mark Rathjen PT DPT CSCS CORE Physical Therapy & Sports Performance PC  Owner 17660 Wright St.  9/10/11    Omaha NE       402-933-4027 What did the study say?  “Six weeks of uninterrupted medical yoga thera-py is a cost-effective early intervention for non-specific low back… Read more »

CORE Omaha Agility Reaction drills,

Agility training and reaction drills are vital to a full recovery and sports performance after an injury. Here we see a later stage ACL reconstruction working hard on cutting, agility, reaction and coordination. Building proprioception with complicated neural task will integrate more responsive movement patterns, and allows a distraction helping with fear avoidance compensation reactions… Read more »

What is most effective for back pain? CORE Omaha Explains.

CORE Physical Therapy In Omaha Explains… By Dr. Mark Rathjen PT DPT CSCS CORE Physical Therapy & Sports Performance PC Owner 17660 Wright St.9/10/11 Omaha NE 402-933-4027 How to treat lower back pain? What is the most effective?    What did the study find? “Four weeks following training IKT group shows more significant changes in… Read more »