Monthly Archives: November 2020

Is Knee Pain Coming From The Hips? CORE Omaha Explains…

Is knee pain coming from the hips? CORE Omaha Explains… . 2016 Apr 27;29(2):259-266. doi: 10.3233/BMR-150622. Relationship between frontal plane projection angle of the knee and hip and trunk strength in women with and without patellofemoral pain Gabriel Peixoto Leão Almeida 1 2, Ana Paula de Moura Campos Carvalho E Silva 1, Fábio Jorge Renovato França 1, Maurício Oliveira Magalhães 1, Thomaz Nogueira Burke 1, Amélia… Read more »

Lower Trap Needling in Neck Pain, CORE Omaha Explains…

Dry Needling on the neck and cervical spine can provide relief for neck pain, but can the lower traps be a part of the issue as well? Effectiveness of dry needling on the lower trapezius in patients with mechanical neck pain: a randomized controlled trial Daniel Pecos-Martín 1, F Javier Montañez-Aguilera 2, Tomás Gallego-Izquierdo 1, Alicia Urraca-Gesto 3, Antonia Gómez-Conesa 4, Natalia Romero-Franco 1, Gustavo Plaza-Manzano 5 Affiliations… Read more »

CORE Dynamic Stretching series 1, Omaha Nebraska

    CORE Physical Therapy and Sports Performance in Omaha Nebraska specializes in the treatment of athletes. Here we present a re boot of our very first video, CORE DSS1, from the fall of 2015. 5 simple and effective dynamic stretching before lifting, sports or athletic competition. CORE Physical Therapy in Omaha is second to… Read more »