Monthly Archives: May 2020

CORE Omaha Physical Therapy, gait assessment.

  CORE Physical Therapy and Sports Performance specializes in the treatment of athletes, and works hard to get them back to full strength. Here we can see an athlete running at 10-11-12mph at various inclines and fatigue ratings to get an accurate assessment of real work mechanics. With this information, we can do a full… Read more »

6 Ways C.O.R.E. is different than Chain Clinics.

6 Ways C.O.R.E. is different than Chain Clinics. by Dr. Mark Rathjen DPT, PT, CSCS Dr. Claire Rathjen DPT, PT SCS, CSCS 2020  1 .C.O.R.E . is run/operated by the owners.  We started our own practice to get away from the patient FACTORY model other clinics love to employ. We started CORE to be different,… Read more »

Cross-training is imperative for runners in Omaha

Elite Runner Ryan Hall Is Buff Now. You Should Be Too.  Dr. Mark T. Rathjen PT, DPT, CSCS Dr. Claire R. Lakatos-Rathjen PT, DPT, SCS CSCS C.O.R.E. Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, PC est 2015     Ryan Hall After/Before In light of a recent Blog post, Martin Fritz-Huber tells the story of elite level… Read more »