Monthly Archives: April 2020

CORE Omaha touts benefits of short burst exercise.

Scientists have argued the health benefits of short bursts of intense exercise for years, but a new study published in the journal PLOS One prescribes the shortest interval and overall time commitment yet. As reported in the New York Times, researchers from McMaster University found that one minute of high exertion, as part of a 10-minute… Read more »

Acute Effect of Dynamic Stretching on Endurance Running, Omaha

Acute Effect of Dynamic Stretching on Endurance Running Performance in Well-Trained Male Runners Taichi Yamaguchi, Kazuki Takizawa, Keisuke Shibata Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2015, 29 (11): 3045-52 The purpose of this study was to clarify the acute effect of dynamic stretching (DS) on relative high-intensity endurance running performance. The endurance running performances of… Read more »

5 Sure-FIRE Ways to Stay Pain Free with Running in Omaha

5 Sure-FIRE Ways to Stay Pain Free with Running   By  Drs. Mark and Claire Rathjen, PT, DPT CSCS CORE Physical Therapy Omaha Ne 402-933-4027 1. Progressing Training and programming It is important to make sure that you are training in a progressive manor appropriate to your fitness level. Make double sure to listen to… Read more »