Monthly Archives: August 2018

Physical therapy Omaha, CORE dynamic loading progression,

  At CORE, we take knee rehab after surgery very seriously. Our jobs is to get you moving better, stronger, and faster prior to your injury. This is one of many ways we go about re-introducing sports specific movment back into your life. Every athlete is different. Every Patient is different. We take your body… Read more »

CORE’s New Employee of the Month Club

To continue the tradition of great customer service and unparalleled quality, we have instated our Employee of the Month program here at CORE Physical Therapy. We strive to recognize and acknowledge first class worth ethic and clinic skills, Mark Rathjen and Claire Lakatos Rathjen REMINDER: There is ONE week left until the IWATCH drawing so… Read more »

CORE is dropping a few fall shirt design, here is a sneak…

Every fall we love to release new designs for our shirts. We decided to go a whole new direction in our shirts for Omaha, Gold foil on Black. They are to die for in person. Stay tuned for availability in the next month. An OD green version will also be available as well. CORE, its… Read more »