Monthly Archives: November 2017

Explosive training for runners… you can’t go wrong…Its just science…

Explosive Training for Endurance Athletes is Heavily  Researched with Startling Results. By Dr. Mark T. Rathjen DPT, PT, CSCS Dr. Claire R. Rathjen DPT, PT SCS, CSCS C.O.R.E. Physical Therapy and Sports Performance. PC November 2017   Weight training, plyometric and explosive has been shown time and time again throughout history to be the MOST… Read more »

CORE working at Omaha Barbell, helps with Gruesome Injury.

Our Friend and Patient Jason Belt pulling  PR on deadlifting at 766 lbs tearing his bicep in the meantime. The recovery will be long, but he will persevere without issue in the end. His lengthy recover from Quad tendon rupture was nothing short of inspirational…Follow FB for the entire story…