Monthly Archives: December 2016

2106, A year to Reflect…

2016 is fading out, 2017 is looming right around the corner. We wanted to reflect and pay tribute to 2016 and the events leading up to launching CORE. 2016 was a great year, but WE are determined to make 2017 even better. Special thanks to all of our family, friends and video participants in our… Read more »

CORE is NOT afraid to break new GROUND.

Old Colleague: “Deadlifts are bad for your back” Me: “Thats not true at all” Old Colleague: “Its really a lot of shear force on the the spine” Me: Only if your body isn’t able to stabilize the lumbar spine due to weakness, and of course if your form is faulty.” Old Colleague: “Do you mean… Read more »