Monthly Archives: June 2016

Our very First sponsored athlete getting Div. 1 college attention.

Jake, our very first sponsored athlete, at a camp on SDSU campus this week. This is not his first Div. 1 Camp, but he sure is getting some close looks coming up on his senior year of Football. We have spent countless hours cultivating his natural talent, and we are so very proud to see… Read more »

C.O.R.E. shows new research into SPORTS PERFORMANCE

Sports Specific Strength Training for Soccer players, Sprinters, and Agility Athletes Improves Speed, Change of direction, Velocity, and Field Dominance. By: Dr. Mark Rathjen PT, DPT, CSCS Dr. Claire Lakatos-Rathjen PT, DPT, CSCS, SCS CORE Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, PC.   WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR YOU? The field of sports performance is a… Read more »

Local Athlete is competing at GIANTS LIVE!

Claire and Mark wish a special GOOD LUCK to Friend and Patient Bryan Benzel this weekend for his up coming Giants Live North American Championship Strongman event! His Hard work and dedication are admirable and applauded as we wish him well for the weekend Competition. Even more exciting, a TOP 3 finish will score Bryan Benzel a place in… Read more »