Attention athletes, this is our infamous Land, Air and Sea workout! YOUR LEGS WILL BE ON FIRE!!!

Land- 150×3 (30 sec rests, or partner goes)( use your body weight to add to the sled, or your partner)
Rest 1 min
Air -2 intervals on Air assault bike ( 30 mph or higher for males, 25 or higher for females)
Rest 1 min
Sea- 500 m row (145 for less or males, 2 min or less for females)
Rest 2.5min

Repeat 2 more rounds! This wotkout can be made to be extrememly difficult, longer rest breaks makes it HARDER as rest will facilitate a need for a higher workload ( or it SHOULD anyway)

IF you dont have a sled, Use Treadmill on 10 pct grade, 30 sec burts 11-12+mph