CORE Physical Therapy and Sports Performance has recently added to its roster a new piece of Strengthening equipment. We always make surety stay up on the latest and greatest strengthening equipment and facilities for our patients and athletes. This piece of equipment is no exception, it boasts 500 pounds of resistance training for leg press, jumping, lateral leg press and lateral jumping. If you can max out this leg press you do not need rehab you need an NFL contract.
At CORE, you will never be treated like a number or an assembly line. You’ll be treated like an individual with individual goals. Your treatment plan will be unique and specialized to you and you will see the same doctor of physical therapy for every visit.
In Omaha this is the premier location for athletes, active individuals and people who want to get back to healthy living in a safe and effective manner. We’re fa.mily owned and operated with no shareholders so we don’t answer to anyone but our patients.
This is who we are, this is what we do.